  • 我的观影记录

  Alison Kirbe is a young London girl who has just found out she has inherited a Texas ranch from an old soldier she had befriended during World War II. Mistakenly assuming she is now the owner of a small empire, she crosses the Atlantic Ocean by boat. On her way, she meets Terence Keath, a fellow passenger heavily in debt to casino owner Lucky Reilly. To pay off his debts, he attempts to marry rich and starts to seduce Alison, as he thinks she is a wealthy heiress. Another person who is attracted to Alison is Jeremy Taylor, a millionaire bachelor who is accompanied by his attorney Matthew Kinston.   The following days she enjoys the attention she is receiving from Terence, Jeremy and Matthew, but rejects them all. She feels most attracted to Matthew, but he mistakenly confronts her of being part of a scheme. Trying to hurt Matthew, she borrows money from Terence and buys an expensive present for Jeremy, while posing as a wealthy heiress. After arriving in America, Alison decides to stay in New York for a week before traveling to Texas. Matthew, meanwhile, tries to find more information on the ranch she has inherited, which makes him suspect her of scheming Jeremy all the more.   Matthew confronts Alison at a casino, where she is gambling with Terence and Jeremy. He soon apologizes, however, and they kiss not much later. Terence and Jeremy, who are witnesses of the kiss, are shocked that she prefers a pennyless attorney over them. The next day, Matthew finds out Alison's ranch is not worth anything and confronts her again with swindling Jeremy. Alison bursts out in tears, mad at Matthew for turning an honest and good-hearted inheritance into a supposed scheme. That night, Alison finds out about Terence's financial situation and tries to help him out by offering Reilly to pay off Terence's debts.   It proves unnecessary, though, as Jeremy is prepared to pay for the entire debt. Afterwards, the three men rush to the hotel, where they propose to Alison all at the same time. Alison enthusiastically accepts Matthew's proposal and the other men soon move on, hitting on other women only moments later.   译文(3): 艾莉森·柯比(Alison Kirbe)是一位年轻的伦敦女孩,她刚刚发现自己从二战期间结识的一位老兵手中继承了德克萨斯州的一座牧场。她误以为自己现在是一个小帝国的主人,于是乘船横渡大西洋。在途中,她遇到了特伦斯·基思(Terence Keath),他是一位与赌场老板Lucky Reilly负债累累的乘客。为了还债,他试图嫁给富人,并开始勾引艾莉森,因为他认为艾莉森是一位富有的女继承人。另一个被艾莉森吸引的人是杰里米·泰勒,一位百万富翁单身汉,他的律师马修·金斯顿陪同。


2024-08-22 17:45:25,最后更新于 29天前

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◎影片别名:Drei Männer für Alison,Credimi,J'ai trois amours




◎影片时长:87 分钟



◎影片主演:黛博拉·蔻儿 罗伯特·沃克 马克·史蒂芬斯 彼特·劳福德 詹姆斯·惠特摩 卡罗尔·耐什 斯普林·白灵顿 Hank Philo 哈罗德·米勒 Doreen Forbes Henri Rhea Robert Colin Anthony George 希门·鲁斯金 Vesey Violet Geoffrey Mack Lee Florence 伊安·沃尔夫 Guy Cyril 阿尔米拉赛逊斯 Constance Suzanne Tommy 亚历克斯·格里 Keith 利昂·贝拉斯科 Wilson 斯坦利·布莱斯 




◎更新时间:2024-08-22 17:45:25


  Alison Kirbe is a young London girl who has just found out she has inherited a Texas ranch from an old soldier she had befriended during World War II. Mistakenly assuming she is now the owner of a small empire, she crosses the Atlantic Ocean by boat. On her way, she meets Terence Keath, a fellow passenger heavily in debt to casino owner Lucky Reilly. To pay off his debts, he attempts to marry rich and starts to seduce Alison, as he thinks she is a wealthy heiress. Another person who is attracted to Alison is Jeremy Taylor, a millionaire bachelor who is accompanied by his attorney Matthew Kinston.

  The following days she enjoys the attention she is receiving from Terence, Jeremy and Matthew, but rejects them all. She feels most attracted to Matthew, but he mistakenly confronts her of being part of a scheme. Trying to hurt Matthew, she borrows money from Terence and buys an expensive present for Jeremy, while posing as a wealthy heiress. After arriving in America, Alison decides to stay in New York for a week before traveling to Texas. Matthew, meanwhile, tries to find more information on the ranch she has inherited, which makes him suspect her of scheming Jeremy all the more.

  Matthew confronts Alison at a casino, where she is gambling with Terence and Jeremy. He soon apologizes, however, and they kiss not much later. Terence and Jeremy, who are witnesses of the kiss, are shocked that she prefers a pennyless attorney over them. The next day, Matthew finds out Alison's ranch is not worth anything and confronts her again with swindling Jeremy. Alison bursts out in tears, mad at Matthew for turning an honest and good-hearted inheritance into a supposed scheme. That night, Alison finds out about Terence's financial situation and tries to help him out by offering Reilly to pay off Terence's debts.

  It proves unnecessary, though, as Jeremy is prepared to pay for the entire debt. Afterwards, the three men rush to the hotel, where they propose to Alison all at the same time. Alison enthusiastically accepts Matthew's proposal and the other men soon move on, hitting on other women only moments later.

  译文(3): 艾莉森·柯比(Alison Kirbe)是一位年轻的伦敦女孩,她刚刚发现自己从二战期间结识的一位老兵手中继承了德克萨斯州的一座牧场。她误以为自己现在是一个小帝国的主人,于是乘船横渡大西洋。在途中,她遇到了特伦斯·基思(Terence Keath),他是一位与赌场老板Lucky Reilly负债累累的乘客。为了还债,他试图嫁给富人,并开始勾引艾莉森,因为他认为艾莉森是一位富有的女继承人。另一个被艾莉森吸引的人是杰里米·泰勒,一位百万富翁单身汉,他的律师马修·金斯顿陪同。


  rarbt为您整理了电影《请相信我》的相关资讯,《请相信我》于美国上映,是一部由导演诺曼·陶罗格 导演执导,Nathaniel 担任编剧,黛博拉·蔻儿 罗伯特·沃克 马克·史蒂芬斯 彼特·劳福德 詹姆斯·惠特摩 卡罗尔·耐什 斯普林·白灵顿 Hank Phi 等演员精彩演绎的美国电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上rarbt(www.rarbt.tv),本网站同时也提供《请相信我》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


