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陆军野战医院 第一季

陆军野战医院 第一季

  From June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, America waged war with Korea. To tend to the wounded, the government sent the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital to the front lines to nurse the soldiers. In the camp called the 4077th, Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce witnesses this ferocious yet pointless fight go on while trying to keep the mood light with wise-cracking and practical jokes. He meets many illustrious people, such as the near-psychic company clerk Corporal Walter "Radar" O'Reilly, the short-tempered Head Nurse Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Maxwell Q. Klinger who will do anything to be sent home, stern Colonel Henry Blake, the neurotic Major Frank Burns (Hawkeye's roommate), likeable Father Francis Mulcahy, countless other doctors and nurses, and Hawkeye's best friend, fellow fun-loving prankster Captain "Trapper" John McIntyre. During the war, Hawkeye sees many changes occur around him: Trapper, Frank and Radar are sent home, Klinger takes over as company clerk, B.J. Hunnicutt becomes Hawkeye's new best friend and plays around with him instead, arrogant but educated Charles Emerson Winchester III becomes Hawkeye's new roommate, and Blake's plane is shot down over the Sea of Japan, spinning in and killing him. He is replaced by Colonel Sherman Potter, an experienced man who becomes a father figure, albeit a strict one, to the group. Countless doctors and nurses appear throughout, and you can always count on the insane Colonel Samuel Flagg to try to screw everything up. Written by Mash 'Em All   译文(2): 从1950年6月25日到1953年7月27日,美国对朝鲜发动了战争。为了照料伤员,政府派美国移动陆军外科医院到前线照料士兵。在名为4077团的营地里,本杰明·富兰克林“霍凯”皮尔斯上尉目睹了这场凶猛但毫无意义的战斗,他试图通过诙谐幽默和恶作剧来保持轻松的气氛。他遇到了许多杰出的人物,比如几近通灵的公司职员沃尔特 · “雷达”· 奥莱利下士,脾气暴躁的护士长玛格丽特 · “热嘴唇”· 胡利汉少校,为了回家什么都愿意做的马克斯韦尔 · Q · 克林格,严厉的亨利 · 布莱克上校,神经质的弗兰克 · 伯恩斯少校(鹰眼的室友) ,可爱的弗朗西斯 · 马尔卡希神父,无数其他医生和护士,以及霍凯最好的朋友,同样喜欢搞笑的“捕手”队长约翰 · 麦金太尔。在战争期间,霍凯看到他周围发生了许多变化: 捕手,弗兰克和雷达被送回家,克林格接任公司职员,b · j · 亨尼科特成为霍凯新的最好的朋友,并与他玩耍,傲慢但受过教育的查尔斯 · 爱默生温彻斯特三世成为霍凯的新室友,布莱克的飞机在日本海上空被击落,旋转并杀死了他。接替他的是谢尔曼 · 波特上校,一个经验丰富的人,成为一个父亲的形象,尽管是一个严格的,该集团。无数的医生和护士从头到尾都出现了,你总是可以指望那个疯狂的 Samuel Flagg 上校试图把一切都搞砸。编剧: Mash’Em All


2024-08-22 20:37:14,最后更新于 29天前

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 电视剧《陆军野战医院 第一季》的剧情详细介绍

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◎影片名称:陆军野战医院 第一季





◎影片导演:海·艾弗巴克 杰基·库珀 

◎影片编剧:Gary 迈克·法雷尔 Ronny 肯·列文 理查德·胡克 基思·沃克 Thad 阿瑟·朱利安 James David Richard Richard W.C. 埃弗雷特·格林鲍姆 阿伦·阿尔达 Bu 

◎影片主演:阿伦·阿尔达 洛丽泰·斯威 杰米·法尔 





◎更新时间:2024-08-22 20:37:14


  From June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953, America waged war with Korea. To tend to the wounded, the government sent the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital to the front lines to nurse the soldiers. In the camp called the 4077th, Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce witnesses this ferocious yet pointless fight go on while trying to keep the mood light with wise-cracking and practical jokes. He meets many illustrious people, such as the near-psychic company clerk Corporal Walter "Radar" O'Reilly, the short-tempered Head Nurse Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan, Maxwell Q. Klinger who will do anything to be sent home, stern Colonel Henry Blake, the neurotic Major Frank Burns (Hawkeye's roommate), likeable Father Francis Mulcahy, countless other doctors and nurses, and Hawkeye's best friend, fellow fun-loving prankster Captain "Trapper" John McIntyre. During the war, Hawkeye sees many changes occur around him: Trapper, Frank and Radar are sent home, Klinger takes over as company clerk, B.J. Hunnicutt becomes Hawkeye's new best friend and plays around with him instead, arrogant but educated Charles Emerson Winchester III becomes Hawkeye's new roommate, and Blake's plane is shot down over the Sea of Japan, spinning in and killing him. He is replaced by Colonel Sherman Potter, an experienced man who becomes a father figure, albeit a strict one, to the group. Countless doctors and nurses appear throughout, and you can always count on the insane Colonel Samuel Flagg to try to screw everything up. Written by Mash 'Em All

  译文(2): 从1950年6月25日到1953年7月27日,美国对朝鲜发动了战争。为了照料伤员,政府派美国移动陆军外科医院到前线照料士兵。在名为4077团的营地里,本杰明·富兰克林“霍凯”皮尔斯上尉目睹了这场凶猛但毫无意义的战斗,他试图通过诙谐幽默和恶作剧来保持轻松的气氛。他遇到了许多杰出的人物,比如几近通灵的公司职员沃尔特 · “雷达”· 奥莱利下士,脾气暴躁的护士长玛格丽特 · “热嘴唇”· 胡利汉少校,为了回家什么都愿意做的马克斯韦尔 · Q · 克林格,严厉的亨利 · 布莱克上校,神经质的弗兰克 · 伯恩斯少校(鹰眼的室友) ,可爱的弗朗西斯 · 马尔卡希神父,无数其他医生和护士,以及霍凯最好的朋友,同样喜欢搞笑的“捕手”队长约翰 · 麦金太尔。在战争期间,霍凯看到他周围发生了许多变化: 捕手,弗兰克和雷达被送回家,克林格接任公司职员,b · j · 亨尼科特成为霍凯新的最好的朋友,并与他玩耍,傲慢但受过教育的查尔斯 · 爱默生温彻斯特三世成为霍凯的新室友,布莱克的飞机在日本海上空被击落,旋转并杀死了他。接替他的是谢尔曼 · 波特上校,一个经验丰富的人,成为一个父亲的形象,尽管是一个严格的,该集团。无数的医生和护士从头到尾都出现了,你总是可以指望那个疯狂的 Samuel Flagg 上校试图把一切都搞砸。编剧: Mash’Em All


  rarbt为您整理了电视剧《陆军野战医院 第一季》的相关资讯,《陆军野战医院 第一季》于美国上映,是一部由导演海·艾弗巴克 杰基·库珀 导演执导,Gary 迈克·法雷尔 Ronny 肯·列文 理查德·胡克 基思·沃克 Thad 阿瑟·朱利安 James David Richard Richard W.C. 埃弗雷特·格林鲍姆 阿伦·阿尔达 Bu 担任编剧,阿伦·阿尔达 洛丽泰·斯威 杰米·法尔 等演员精彩演绎的美国电视剧,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上rarbt(www.rarbt.tv),本网站同时也提供《陆军野战医院 第一季》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


